The studio year is 35 lessons scheduled between September and June, with 2 extra weeks added at the end of the year in June for the purpose of covering any missed lessons.
Payment for the year is divided into 10 equal payments and due at the beginning of each month from September through June.
Lesson Length Yearly Amount Monthly Amount
30 Minutes $1225 $122.50
45 Minutes $1837.50 $183.75
60 Minutes $2450 $245
*Rates listed are for the September 2023 - June 2024 year
In the rare event that the teacher needs to cancel, a make-up lesson will be offered as soon as possible and scheduled as agreed upon by both teacher and student.
It is understood that occasionally a student may need to cancel due to illness or other reason. In this case, the make-up lesson will be offered in June at the end of the studio year (taking place in weeks 36 or 37). Only 2 make-ups will be offered regardless of the number of lessons missed with no other make-ups will be offered throughout the year.
For any student who wishes to discontinue lessons 30 days notice is required, or one fully paid month.
All students will require printed music at each lesson. The teacher will suggest appropriate books and/or other materials for the student to purchase. It is the responsibility of the parent or student to ensure all books/materials are purchased in a timely manner and are brought with the student to each lesson.
It is expected that all students will engage in a regular practice routine. The expectations will be discussed with the student and parent on an individual basis, and will be appropriate for the age, level and goals of the student.